Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Chaotic Commotion at Christmas

23 December - The office Christmas party. A little respite from the hard work we've all put in during December. We all know what January has in store for us, so the office party is always filled with mixed emotions - a time for letting our hair down, but always with a cautious eye on what's to come. Enjoy the fun whilst it lasts, guys - January is just around the corner.

22 December - The final countdown to ... the end of the month before the Tax Return filing deadline. The tax team are as serene as swans, gliding gracefully through their work (while paddling furiously below the water line!). I just hope they manage to keep their heads above water. So far so good, and everyone is fit and well. There is this flu bug going around though, so fingers crossed that we all manage to avoid it. The last thing we need now is a mass reduction in manpower for January.

21 December - The usual challenge is to get the remaining work in next month. And to get the signed Tax Returns back. Thankfully our excellent personal tax software has been kept up to date by the tax team so we know exactly where we are by running the tracker reports. Next month I'll be getting almost daily update reports telling me, for example, how many returns are still not started and how many are out for signature but not returned. The aim, as in previous years, is to have no late returns except those where the clients have decided themselves to be late (possibly by resisting all attempts to be contacted by us, I should add). I don't see why we shouldn't achieve that again this year.

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